Happy new year 🕛

New year Random Thoughts.

1. Another day, another chance to get it right.

2. Please do not quit on yourself.

3. Just because I didn’t respond or react the way you know I should have, it does not mean it went over my head.

4. “Do not expect you from other people.” Life lesson number 19.

5. Exposure is important. Sometimes you need to see that you can before you believe that you can.

6. Healthy love doesn’t call out sick.

7. I’m entering these new phases of my life with an appetite to learn, light and positive attitude.

8. “Keep your face towards the sun and the shadows fall behind you.”

9. “When love can’t find a way, it will find an exit.” D. Alison

10. Moment of silence for the things we have given up on due to responsibility and our attempts at being good people.

11. I don’t disappear – I am selectively present in spaces where others are not.

12. Own it.

13. Thank you for attending today’s Ted Talk.

🙏Have great 2024 Ahead!🙏

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