70 Killer Content Ideas To Post On Social Media.


    The number one question people ask when it comes to social media marketing.
    The interesting thing here is that there’s really an endless amount of ideas for you to use when it comes to posting on social media.

    Before you skip this and jump down to the list, here’s a few tips to get the most impact out of these ideas:

    1. Make it RELEVANT for your audience.
    For Example:
    If you choose to share something from your bucket list…
    Can you relate it back to your business?

    Can you add in an open ended question so it sparks people to engage?

    2. Talk TO your audience, don’t talk AT them.

    This is social media. People are looking for stories and posts that they connect with. If you’re not wording posts socially, you close the door for engagement.
    For Example:
    DON’T DO THIS: I read a quote this morning, liked it, and wanted to share it with you.
    DO THIS: Have you ever read a quote and thought, “Wow, I really needed to hear that?” Well I found one this morning that was so perfect, I had to pass it on to you. It’s a difference in the way you talk with people. I promise, you’ll see a difference in how people respond when you word things just a little differently.

    3. EVERYTHING you post should ALWAYS support your weekly, monthly, annual marketing and business goals.

    Don’t just “post to post” – post with purpose.
    Post to connect.
    Post to learn more about your audience.
    Post to start a conversation.
    Post to get leads.
    Post to drive traffic.
    Post to build your business.
    The more you do this, the faster you reach your goals.



    4. Use TASSI. It’s a social media management tool that gives you content. You will never run out of ideas, or content, since you can choose from thousands of ready made content just waiting for you to drop your logo on it and make it your own.
    Ultimate Guide to Selling Digital Products with an Online Business

    As you know, when it comes to social media, content is king.
    But what exactly makes for great content?
    In general, the best content is interesting, informative, and entertaining.
    However, there’s no hard and fast rule for what works best. The key is to experiment and see what gets the most engagement from your audience.
    Also, don’t be afraid to mix things up from time to time.

    A little variety can go a long way in keeping people engaged.
    So if you’re looking for content ideas on what to post on social media, here are 70 content ideas to post on social media so you never run out of content again!


    1. Remind People Who You Are, How You Got Started
    2. Go Behind The Scenes
    3. Share a Personal Story
    4. Tell People What You Sell
    5. Share a Joke (Graphics or Text)
    6. Share a Quote (Graphics or Text)
    7. Host an #AMA (Ask Me Anything)
    8. Â Post a How To or Tutorial
    9. Ask a Question
    10. Host a Poll
    11. Share Your Favorite Book
    12. Ask for Recommendations (Book, TV, Apps, Music, Something related to your biz)
    13. Host a Giveaway
    14. Tell People to Sign Up On Your Email List
    15. Give away a coupon
    16. Host a Sale
    17. Remind People To Buy Your Products or Services
    18. Share a Quick Tip
    19. Share Industry News (Add Your Thoughts To It)
    20. Go LIVE (Live Videos Perform AMAZINGLY WELL)
    21. Post a Sneak Peek of something coming soon
    22. Share a Blog Post You Wrote
    23. Share Any Press or PR Features You Have
    24. Post a Testimonial From a Client
    25. Give Your Audience A Gift
    26. Re-Share Some Older Content (Graphics, Quotes, Blog Posts)
    27. Host a 1 Day Only Flash Sale
    28. Share Content From Someone Else
    29. Let Someone Guest Post or Takeover Your Profile
    30. Post a Case Study
    31. Answer FAQ’s
    32. Share Some Personal Wins or Results
    33. Host an Interview with a Guest
    34. Post Something Seasonal or Highlight a Holiday
    35. Thank Your Fans!
    36. Post Motivational Monday
    37. Post a Tuesday Tip
    38. Post a Wednesday Wisdom
    39. Post a Throwback Thursday
    40. Post a Flashback Friday
    41. Share a Short Video Clip (Yours or one you like)
    42. Share a podcast episode you love
    43. Share a YouTube video you love
    44. Post some interesting stats or data about your industry
    45. Share your favorite resources (Apps, Websites, Blogs)
    46. Share a WIN or SUCCESS
    47. Share a LOSS or a FAILURE
    48. Share Your Morning Routine
    49. Post about events you’re hosting or going to
    50. Post where you’ll be speaking or where you’re making appearances
    51. Share an Unknown Feature About Your Products or Services
    52. Let Your Employee Take Over For a Day
    53. Show someone using your product
    54. Post a discount or a special offer
    55. Tell People How You Got Started
    56. Share What Inspired You To Create Your Product or Service
    57. Shoutout or Mention Other Brands
    58. Shoutout or Mention Your Clients
    59. Share a Success Story
    60. Share a Few Of Your Favorite Things
    61. Post a Fill In The Blank
    62. Talk about Mistakes People Are Making
    63. Share a Tweet You Like
    64. Share a Pinterest Pin You Like
    65. Share Your Other Social Profiles to Connect On
    66. Share Your Contact Info
    67. Post About A Trip You’ve Taken
    68. Share a Charity You’ve Partnered With
    69. Post About Something On Your Bucket List
    70. Ask Your Audience How They Found You.

    Need a graphic to save? Pin this one below so you never run out of Post Ideas for Social Media.
    What To Post On Social Media – Here’s 70 Killer Content Ideas To Post On Social Media /

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